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Specifications change

Home > Specifications change > Replacement filter for After filer for Oil Mist Collector MISTCATCH

Replacement filter for After filer for Oil Mist Collector MISTCATCH

June 10, 2019

We would like to inform you of an upcoming change to the above product in connection with difficulty in procurement of components.
Your understanding and continued business are highly appreciated.

Affected product

Replacement filter for After filter
・OMC-AF-335L ・OMC-AF-500L

With this specification change, filter component of the following models also changes.
・OMC-F120-F40-2 ・OMC-F110-F40-2 ・OMC-F105-F40-2
・OMC-N205-F40 ・OMC-N210-F40 ・OMC-N215-F40 ・OMC-N225-F40

Description of change

Filter and upper cover of filter becomes united.

Current product

New product

Schedule for change

Starting from June 2019 as soon as present stock has run out
*It may happen that the existing products and new ones will be shipped together during the beginning period of switchover.


The model numbers and prices remain same.
Switchover time will differ by model depending on each stock condition.

For further details, please contact us at info@ohm.co.jp.
* The contents of this article are as of June 2019.